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Prove Me Wrong
Treading Lightly On Powdered Sugar
Monday, 25 October 2004
Sunny Weekend, with a Drama Front Moving In From the North
Mood:  spacey
Am very tired. But it's okay, it's a good, I've done too fucking much kind of tired.
Friday night, we purchased the new CSI board game and invited Batman and Wendy the Witch (now shortened to Wendy forevermore, thank you) over to see how it all pans out.
If you're a CSI geek like we all are, you'll like it. The set up for the game is a little bit on the exhaustive side, but we then played just one case of the eight provided and it took us almost two hours to finish, and that was with Batman running the game like it was his bitch. Had he had the luck the rest of us had, that game could have rounded out at around three hours. So it was worth it. So B&W left around two or three, not quite sure when exactly, and Saturday we were up at ten thirty to begin yet another trek around the Island.
Washington has a SHOTLOAD of Wineries, and there are at least two on our Island. One particular place, located a scant forty minutes away, sells seasonal fruity wines every year that will rock your socks. The hub-unit and I, ever the frugal gourmets, purchased two bottles each of the blackberry, strawberry rhubarb, and cranberry wines that they only push around this time of year, and in limited supply. We figured that with the mom-unit coming up here in just under a month, wine was a good idea. I think we spent just over a hundred bucks on wine and wine accessories trying to look all cultured and shit.
Then on to Langley. Langley is a little town just farther south from everywhere else, and it's a lot like the other little towns on the island: artisan shops and galleries and restaurants, right on the water and very cool to go window shopping in.
It's blue with opalescent glaze of purple and green, and it's great chunky fabulous handmade pottery. I can't believe the hub-unit bought it for me, considering the hefty amount we had just forked over for wine merely twenty minutes prior, but he did. I think that maybe, despite his denial that it wasn't, he got it for me just to shut me up about fucking teapots, but nonetheless I am grateful. And then, after a lovely lunch on the water, we headed home.
Busy day, right? Then the shit got weird. Maybe not BAD weird, but weird anyway.
The hub-unit plays this online game with his buddies. They hook up online with their little headsets and run around shootin things. I figure, why put up with the hub-unit screaming into his headset all by himself when I can have a friend over and she can have HER man screaming into his headset too?
So Batman brought his computer over and while the guys "geeked out" (THEIR terminology, not mine), Wendy and I baked cookies. I'll get into the tragedy of the cookies at a later date. So a bottle of blackberry wine and a few movies later, things got strange.
But not strange ina an awkward way, strange in a "these events led into some strange shit" strange. The antibiotics I take for my surgery shit make me puke if I don't eat enough. So guess what? I puked. And not feeling so well, I also noticed that I was bleeeding from somewhere I should NOT be bleeding from yet, and figured I just overexerted myself that day and decided to call it a night. Not one to leave a girl hanging, I arranged for the hub-unit to drive her back to her apartment so she wouldn't be left sitting in my living room with two geeks screaming into their headphones. These so-called "geek nights" can last well into the wee hours, you see. So Batman, sensing that the hub-unit needed to make sure that I was all right took his own girlfriend home and returned a mere ten minutes later, a world record even for the short drive to their apartment from ours.
A scant half hour after returning, Batman leaves. I wasn't awake (well, I wasn't coherent) when it happened, but apparently his computer crashed and he said something like he had to go clear his head. He told the hub-unit that he was going for a short drive before home, and bid his goodnights. We finally crashed out around 4 am.
Waking up around one PM and making plans to hit the bookstore down the street because I was bored. The hub-unit and I sat around like lumps for an hour, then at 2 PM, Wendy calls. Batman has YET to return home from the previous evening.
I don't want to get involved. I REFUSE to get involved. I don't wanna know. I REALLY, REALLY don't wanna know. Unfortunately, sooner or later I 'm gonna find out.
I need more friends.

Rattled Out By Queenie at 3:06 AM

Monday, 25 October 2004 - 12:37 PM

Name: wally edmond
Home Page: http://wallyedmond.tripod.com/wallyedmond/


Sounds like ya wouldn't have too much time for other friends. LOL! Well, I guess it just ain't my time , yet!? I have been in bed most of the week, and like you, pukin'! But, I'm kinda getting up (like a zombie), and walkin' around now. I hope (for the hub-units and his girlfriends sake), that BATMAN RETURNS! I'll be sure to post something on his blog, and hopfully his computer is back in order. Have a great day! Ya, know!? I think if I keep feelin' better, I'm gonna treat myself to a bottle of ol' Mad Dog! NOT!!!! ;-)

Monday, 25 October 2004 - 4:40 PM

Name: mephistophiles0

Batman is fine!!! He lives another day. Long story about my absence, not going into it. However, I highly recommend that you guys check out Planetside, and join me for total death and destruction. For those of you who have a massive world domination ego...like myself...then this game rocks. Anyway cheers to Queenie....she rules in the cookie department, however they may turn out.

Monday, 25 October 2004 - 10:42 PM

Name: Col Mustard

Batman done run off with Vicky Vale again huh? Shame, Uma Thurman was way hotter as that green vine bitch or whatever...

Tuesday, 26 October 2004 - 2:24 AM

Name: Queenie
Home Page: https://orianasangel.tripod.com/Rantsvilleapartments/

canNOT believe you brought up the Mad Dog 20/20!!!! Doesn't THAT bring back unpleasant memories...
Hope you feel better man, I know what it's like to barf and run!
And thanks for checking out Batman's blog, I'm sure he feels loved by the masses now....

Tuesday, 26 October 2004 - 2:30 AM

Name: Queenie
Home Page: https://orianasangel.tripod.com/Rantsvilleapartments/

Oh look, the geek friend of my geek hub-unit is whoring out the geek game that they geek out to on geek night. WHY am I suddenly NOT surprised?
But thanks for the cookie compliment. I should post about that...

Tuesday, 26 October 2004 - 2:37 AM

Name: Queenie
Home Page: https://orianasangel.tripod.com/Rantsvilleapartments/

To the man with the mustard,
Dude, ICK to the Uma Thurman reference with her bug-eyes and monkey feet.
HOWEVER, the fact that yall brought up Vicky Vale makes me swoon for the days when Batman was cool and not a craptastic franchise that Joel Shumacher RAPED ANALLY for all it was worth. Which reminds me of a post I should post....
Thanks for the inspiration!

Tuesday, 26 October 2004 - 8:34 PM

Name: Batman

Batman has always been loved by the citizens. *returning to the lair now*

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