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Prove Me Wrong
Treading Lightly On Powdered Sugar
Monday, 8 November 2004
Today's Real Post
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Wig In A Box, Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Talking to my old girl wasn't as weird as I thought it would be, but it brought up a lot of stuff about high school that I would have preferred to let stay dead and rotting, especially now that I'm a different person. It's funny how regret seems to creep up on you when you think about certain things....
In high school, I totally wasted four years. I was more concerned about fitting in, about having a niche somewhere, about being cool. I was a shitty student. I know that hindsight is 20/20, and boy is it every for me.
I didn't know who I was, and it's taken me until just a few years ago to realize that part.
High school was ridiculous for me. I tried to be everyone BUT me, and because of that I was more image-obsessed than anything else, and I never paid attention to real friendships or staying true to myself, all that crap that I should have been doing.
I hung out with the goth girls for a while, but they told me to get lost because I talked too much. I hung out with the losers, but they graduated before me so I never saw them until the weekends. I hung out with the older, hotter senior guys that all the girls were swooning for because they were musicians with long hair, but that turned into so much crazy drama (SOOOOO MUCH) that I had to get out because I thought I would lose my mind trying to be so fucking sensitive to everyone's needs and shit. I hung out with the younger happy people for a time, but they were all fickle assholes that ended up turning to my ex-boyfriend when we broke up because his new girlfriend was "sweet". And to them? THanks guys, I appreciate all the IGNORING me you did when I was preganant and puking in the coffee shop bathroom every three minutes, and I really love yall for telling me I was an idiot for joining the Navy. Thanks for all the fucking SUPPORT all those years you tolerated me. I hate those perky folks. I ended hanging out with the losers on the weekends, the skaters after school, and during the school day I was sequestered in a deserted hallway with the people who turned out were my better friends.
Like I said, I tried to desperately fit in with someone, anyone. High school was hell for me.
See, now if back then I had known I was Bipolar instead of just the oft-diagnosed ADD, I may have dealt with things differently. Had I realized that people were cruel and would be my entire life, I wouldn't have thrown away four years of my life trying to make them happy.
When all my own personal drama started a few years ago, I realized that life was too short and far too precious to deal with stupid people. Trying to placate every single jackass that came along was too draining, too energy-sucking to be right, and I stopped. If you were a friend, you were a friend. If you gave me a bad impression in the first, we'll say ten seconds to be safe, I would write you off as an idiot and not waste my time trying to be your friend. This extremely prejudicial outlook saved me a lot of grief in the long run, and amazingly enough endeared me to a lot of people.
I hold to this philosophy even now, becuase there are some really stupid people out there.
I just didn't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck now, and I shouldn't have then, either.
Lessons learned, I suppose.

Rattled Out By Queenie at 4:56 AM
Weird Stories From Classmates.Com
Now Playing: One More Night, Phill Collins
Two things about classmates, and then I'll get to the REAL post:
A few years ago, it was somewhere in '02 I think, I get an email from Classmates, telling me I have an email from some yutz I used to know. Turns out, I DO remember this particular person. I used to work at a comic book store (yeah yeah, make your silly jokes), and I was just 14 at the time. Hey, it supported my extreme comic habit, and I made shit for money, but it was something to do right? Anyway, there was this guy that worked there, a college student named Dave, who was the coolest. He was wordly and educated, with a car and a girlfriend and his own apartment and everything. We practically ran the place ourselves, but that's another post entirely.
The comic book store closed after I had worked there for two years, and after that I heard nothing from Dave, because you know he was a college student and stuff. But in 02 I get this email from him, telling me he had to pay 35 bucks for a freaking membership just to write one email. Awww....
Turns out he was a bigwig computer programmer, and he was working in Issaquah, which is kinda far from where I am, but not a like a day trip or anything. We hooked up. It was COOL. We went out to sushi and talked about what had been going on in like the last SEVEN YEARS. But anyway, we talked for a while, and he went back to Issaquah and we kept in touch for a while and then we both dropped off the planet again. I expect another email from him sometime in 2009.
Onward to my point:
Yesterday I get another message from Classmates, where I NEVER go because high school was a wasteland of abuse for me, from one of my actual FRIENDS. The last time I saw her, she was preganant with a kid and her boyfriend was this skinny, greasy little geek blessed with the unfortunate name of Marrison Scroggins, I believe.
Just outta nowhere, there she is. I had instant flashbacks of a stranger time, and we sent a couple of emails back and forth, and it looks like we'll be talking for a while. She's got two kids now, and the oldest is six years, which means its been at LEAST that long since I've seen her, and she's been married for four and living in Reno NV. RENO? SO jealous. And she has a job. Even MORE jealous.
But here's my point: Classmates.com has yet to yield any normal, run-of-the-mill stuff for me. It's always like crazy, people I haven't heard from in fucking YEARS stuff. Not that I'm complaining, it's just that I figured that once I left High School no one would remember me but as "that terminal fucking weird geek that no one likes".
Apparently, I was wrong.

Rattled Out By Queenie at 4:34 AM
Thursday, 4 November 2004
You Don't Need Kids to Watch TV
Y'all need to check out Lazytown on Nickelodeon. No, seriously. It's REALLY trippy, and I totally dig this hot bitch, whoever he is.

He plays Sportacus, the hero of Lazytown. He's SUPER athletic. And hot. Even with the stupid mustache.

Rattled Out By Queenie at 11:11 AM
Updated: Thursday, 4 November 2004 11:13 AM
Wednesday, 3 November 2004
And One More Makes 150!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood:  caffeinated
CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?

Oh yeah, and the extra-special happy note of my day? Right before I go to sleep? Dear God, David Boreanaz, the hottest of the hot, will be on a new TV show!!!!!
How much you wanta bet he'll be pigeonholed as Angel and the show will never make past the first half-season? Anybody? Bets? Anyone?

Rattled Out By Queenie at 8:31 AM

Oh yeah, and this Jackass too. GOD how I love stumbling this early in the morning. Maybe I can find more....

Rattled Out By Queenie at 2:41 AM
This is the BEST. LINK. EVER.
Especially if you're Batman, who will laugh his ass off. Actually, I laughed MY ass off, and I try to be tolerant of internet people.
Stop Vampire Hate
I reccommend the guest book, because it made me giggle. Lots of giggles. Like, TONS of giggling goodness. I myself was going to post something, but why should I when I kan speel reealley grate?

Rattled Out By Queenie at 2:32 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 3 November 2004 2:41 AM
Tuesday, 2 November 2004
Why I Don't Vote
Now Playing: Follow You Down, Gin Blossoms
According to MSN. com, the vote is now Kerry 221, Bush 269. A quick trip to Yahoo! points out that the vote is now Kerry 252, Bush 254. This in the matter of seconds it takes me to surf from one page to another and refresh one of the TWO FUCKING PAGES I have open.
Just figured if everyone else is writing about it, I feel I should cover something too.
BTW, it's 2:38 AM here.

Rattled Out By Queenie at 11:38 PM
Even as down in the dumps as I am, I can't stop blogging. Go figure.
Currently thinking about:
1. Bush is taking the election. As of right now, it's 269 Bush, 211 Kerry. The vote map looks like a fucking white stripes flag.
2. Ashlee Simpson. God love her, she can play it off all she wants, but she got caught. Rich people ALWAYS have an excuse, don't they just?
3. The departed Colonel Mustard. Yall know he'll be back, but the WHEN of the matter is a matter of discussion. But oh yes, you know he'll be back.
4. A short story that popped into my head a few minutes ago that I need to write about before I forget. I think I'll call it "Darker, WI".
5. The fact that I am a ridiculous romantic. I keep hearing love songs with violins on my Winamp and I keep thinking about my husband. I am SUCH a sap.
6. The drunk voting post on Amalah's page. GOD, I could read her all day and keep laughing. I wish I had humor. Lots and lots of humor. SCADS of humor.
7. The fact that it is 1:16 AM right now and I can't sleep because of my new weight-loss pills.
8. My new weight loss pills, Leptopril. It's like Leptoprin, but it's the WalMart version. It says on the bottle "NOT for use as a casual dieting aid." That's a little frightening, but if I visualize hard enough I can feel the pounds melting away. Actually, no. But I can't have any more caffeine with these. NO MORE SODA.
9. The fact that I have yet to post the answers to PMW 6. Soon enough, I'll get to it. Maybe tomorrow morning when I'm all hopped up on Leptopril.
10. My MOM is coming, yall. My MOM. Must clean house. Every day. Must have SPOTLESS house. Must NOT freak out. Also, have nothing to wera. Must buy big-girl clothes to be seen in public in.
11. The Halloween party we went to on Saturday night. I shan't go into the details because of certain things, but I will say this: Invited on Tuesday, decided to go at 8:30 PM that night, and then spent an HOUR AND A HALF sitting around because the hub-unit wanted a costume and couldn't find anything because it was the night BEFORE Halloween. And what does he decide on after pouting for an hour and fifteen minutes? A russian mail-order bride. I never, NEVER want to see my man with boobs and ugle makeup again. EVER. He did, however, get felt up a lot, and that was funny. And Space Ghost? GREAT COSTUME.
And now I've stopped thinking. Must find map of Wisconsin...

Rattled Out By Queenie at 10:24 PM
Monday, 1 November 2004

Mood:  blue
It's raining. HARD. The wind is blowing.
I am depressed, and will be taking a few days off from blogging maniacally.
I hate Mondays.

Rattled Out By Queenie at 10:32 AM
Friday, 29 October 2004
Prove Me Wrong 6
Now Playing: Anna Begins, Counting Crows
Topic: Prove Me Wrong
The human disease kuru, which is caused by a filterable particle, is found in the Fore speaking people of New Guinea. The disease is perpetuated through the practice of cannibalism. These people eat the bodies of their own dead. Because only the women and children eat the brains, kuru is usually not found in the adult male population. Kuru has a slow onset and is manifested by cerebellar signs and shaking ataxia. Death occurs with 18 to 24 months. Kuru is also known as "The Laughing Disease".

Rattled Out By Queenie at 5:01 AM
Updated: Friday, 29 October 2004 5:01 AM

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